The art of naming

Perhaps one of the most challenging creative exercises is naming, a task that requires time, planning, research, but above all: a lot of creativity.
What we aim here is to reflect the brand essence, making its identity stronger, the chosen name will create a specific perception of the offered product or service. The name is just an empty shell that must be filled with the communication that will share the brand’s DNA. To place all the burden of communication just on the naming isn’t accurate.

What should you take into account when naming?
We can give you some advice that may help in the process:
Easy to pronounce
Do spontaneous reading exercises with a small group of people and listen how they read it. Consider whether it will be used in other languages and of course, make sure that it does not have negative connotations in different cultures, regions and countries.
Long or short names?
Usually, its a good idea to have as short names as possible, this allows to our target audience to remember us easily, but this advice isn’t written in stone. If you have a name candidate with a lot of characters and you feel it has the potential to be a great name because of what it evokes, you can take the risk. Remember that brands are built with consistent actions and coherent communication over time.
Remember each country has their own institutions in charge of the registration of intellectual property, get advice to ensure that your name is registrable. There are specialized law firms that will give you all the support you need to get it right from the beginning.

At SeñorLópez we have the experience, the tools and the strategy to help you strengthen your brand. If you are developing it, think about the power a good name can give you and if you need help, we are here to guide you in all the brand management with relevant interventions at every touch point.